Replica Bags Handbags Weave Cotton Sheepskin Mini
$140.00 $189.00
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#Bv’s new mini Cobble handbag 805739 🎈The “same style of star Shu Qi” is carried by the super cute Yuanbao bag~ It is made of sheepskin woven with cotton sandwiched between it, with meticulous craftsmanship design, silky and delicate touch, and round and cute bag body. Show your brand charm! Small in size and large in capacity, it can hold daily necessities💥Flip-top magnetic buckle closure. Equipped with a long shoulder strap inside. It is suitable for commuting as a crossbody. It looks delicate and cute when carried in the hand~Aila💕,
Size: 23*11*8
Size: 23*11*8
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